Thursday, May 24, 2007



By Joel C. Rosenberg

(JERUSALEM, ISRAEL, May 24, 2007) -- I've been in Israel all week, including a day in Sderot, the southern town along the border of the Gaza Strip that has been hit with more than 170 rockets in the past ten days (6 rockets hit while we were there); and Kiryat Shmona, the northern town along the Lebanon border that was hit with more than 1,000 missiles and rockets during the war last summer....with me have been 43 members of an evangelical church from New Mexico to do a humanitarian relief project and deliver some $200,000 worth of aid through The Joshua Fund....we had the privilege of meeting local goverment leaders, emergency relief officials, and Israeli pastors....I also met in Jerusalem with Kay Arthur, the internationally renowned Bible teacher, and two staffers with Focus on the Family to discuss new ways to mobilize evangelicals to bless Israel as the violence in the south intensifies and a new war could be brewing this summer....for photos and a detailed report on our trip, please visit the Sderot, I was interviewed by the Christian Broadcasting Network on who's behind these rocket attacks and why they could trigger a major can watch the interview online by visiting our weblog.

(Picture: Chris Mitchell, Jerusalem bureau chief for the Christian Broadcasting Network; Edward Hunt, Director of Operations for The Joshua Fund; and Joel in Sderot, about 2 miles from the Gaza border.)

WEBLOG with the latest on events in the Middle East and Russia, including links to articles mentioned in this story, and a link to the audio of my interviews with Dr. Dobson on "radical Islam."

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Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Headlines to Consider

Nine US military ships enter Persian Gulf Wednesday, assembling off Iran’s coast in largest American naval move since 2003

May 23, 2007,

USS Bonhomme Richard LHD 6 Group, the world’s biggest amphibious strike force

USS Bonhomme Richard LHD 6 Group, the world’s biggest amphibious strike force

They sailed through the Strait of Hormuz by day - according to US Navy officials for training exercises. The vessels carry around 17,000 combat and marine personnel. They include the two aircraft carriers, USS Nimitz and USS Stennis, as well as the Bonhomme Richard LHD 6, the world’s biggest amphibious strike force. Iran was not notified of the planned arrival.

DEBKAfile reports the maneuvers take place less than two weeks after Vice President Dick Cheney visited the region and informed Saudi King Abdullah and fellow Gulf rulers that President George W. Bush has determined that if Iran refuses to waive a nuclear weapon capability, the US will attack its nuclear, military and economic infrastructure before he leaves the White House in Jan. 2009.


After the Holiday, Rockets Rain Down on Western Negev

The Shavuot holiday ended Wednesday night with a new round of rockets launched from Gaza at the south of Israel

Rabbis ascend to Temple Mount

Shavuot: The Festival of the Land of Israel

Three More Kassams as Sderot Prepares for Funeral

No damage in latest attack... 100 educators visit besieged city... Poll results show support for more military force against Gaza...

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Israel - 40 Day Covenant Land Prayer - April 2 - May 12

Jews and Christians Unite to Pray for Israel
“Securing the Borders of Israel with a Canopy of Prayer”

THIS IS A CALL to Jews and Christians throughout the world to cover Israel, and its borders, in prayers of blessings for 40-days beginning with Passover (April 2 through May 12) to seek God’s (Elohim’s) protection and intervention in Israel by praying over the Seven Districts of Israel. The Seven Districts can be seen at: READ More

Saturday, March 24, 2007

Israeli Activist Wants Christians Represented in Israel's Parliament

Author Hopes 'Bible Bloc Party' Will Bring Believers Into Knesset

By Chad Groening
February 27, 2006

AgapePress) - A conservative Israeli activist notes that, thanks to immigration, the Christian population of Israel has grown to a politically significant percentage. That is why he wants to form a new political party to place Christian representatives in Israel's Parliament, the Knesset.

Avi Lipkin is perhaps better known by his pen name, Victor Mordecai. The American-born Israeli author and lecturer has been back in the U.S. recently, telling American Christians about his desire to create the "Bible Bloc Party."

Christians have historically had no voice in Israel's primary legislative body, Lipkin points out. His "Bible Bloc" will be a party that "will have Christian activists and Christian candidates running for the Knesset ... because the Christian population in Israel has grown in the last 15 years from two percent to eight percent of Israel's voting population."

The author says he would have been able to get the Bible Bloc Party on the ballot for this year's elections, had it not been for certain political upheavals. "Because of the overthrow of Shimon Peres in the Labor Party, Amir Peretz took over the party [and] demanded ... the elections be moved up to March 28th of this year," he explains.

"That only gave me four months to get organized," Lipkin adds. "You cannot put together a political party in three or four months. This is something that requires many years." As a result of the elections being moved up, he says, the Bible Bloc Party will not be able to take part in next month's elections, but he hopes to see the party on the ballot in time for the following Knesset Assembly elections.

Right now, the Israeli conservative notes, Muslims represent 15 percent of Israel's population and have 12 members on the Knesset, while Christians are not represented in that government body at all. "The reason I'm forming this party is because Israel is a multi-party system," he says, and none of the parties in Israel have any kind of Christian representation."

Lipkin is working to correct this disparity. "Christians are serving the army, risking their lives on the battlefield alongside their Jewish brethren," he says. "It cannot be that eight percent of the population is not represented in the Knesset." SOURCE

Friday, January 19, 2007

Bible Bloc Party in Israel makes progress

Bible Bloc Party in Israel makes progress.

Avi Lipkin, alias Victor Mordecai, has spoken to numerous churches, synagogues and civic groups (including radio and TV appearances). He offers compelling proof that the fanaticism of Islam is the number one threat to world peace today!

Bibe Bloc Party passes First Hurdle - Principles submitted for review.

Dear Jewish and Christian friends and supporters,

For eight years now, I have been writing and speaking worldwide about the need for and the inevitability of the creation of a Judeo-Christian Western Civilization and Democracy political party to run for the Knesset. The odd number candidates (1,3,5, etc) would be 50% Jewish candidates and the even number candidates (2,4,6, etc.) would be 50% Christian candidates. This would be the first time in Israel's history that Bible believing Christian Israeli citizens of the Jewish State would be given a voice in Israel's Knesset alongside their Jewish partners.

The first three hurdles to be overcome are: the submission of party principles (which have just been approved), the signing up of 100 founders (Israeli citizens) and payment of the Knesset registration fee of NIS70,000 or about $16,000.

The first hurdle to be overcome is the submission of party principles to our lawyer team. Here are the finalized principles approved by our lawyers:

1. The Gush Hatanakhi/Bible Bloc Party bases its principles on the ethics and teachings of the Bible, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, and faith in the coming of the Messiah who is a Jew from Israel who speaks Hebrew.

2. The Gush Hatanakhi Party stands for the integrity of the Land of Israel as the Jewish State based on the promises of the Bible. The Gush Hatanakhi Party opposes any further withdrawals after the tragedy of the withdrawal from Gaza and northern Samaria.

3. The Gush Hatanakhi Party stands for the defense of all those who believe in the Bible and opposes the ethnic cleansing of Jews and Christians from the entire Land of Israel. This includes the ethnic cleansings of Christians from Arabic speaking areas and Jews from Gaza, Judea, Samaria and the Golan.

4. The Gush Hatanakhi Party understands the threat facing Israel and the civilized world from Islamo-Fascist terrorism and will work to unite all enlightened forces in Israel and globally to defeat Islamo-Fascism. A Bible Block International representing all Judeo-Christian Western Civilization and Democracy political parties will be established in Jerusalem for this purpose.

5. The Gush Hatanakhi Party will endeavor to strengthen Israel by creating a real public relations agenda providing speakers, both Jewish and Christian to mobilize support for the State of Israel and for the defense of Judeo-Christian Western Civilization and Democracy.

6. The Gush Hatanakhi Party will endeavor to strengthen Israel by attracting investors from all over the world, especially Jews and Christians, to invest in Israel and expand Israel's truncated economic infrastructure something which frustrates immigration and encourages emigration.

7. The Gush Hatanakhi Party views the exodus or "yerida" of over 3 million Jews from Israel over the last 57 years as a national tragedy that must and can be corrected. An improved and expanded economic infrastructure will serve this purpose.

8. The Gush Hatanakhi Party will endeavor to thwart Islamo-Fascism plans for the shedding of blood of Jews and Christians in the Diaspora by Islamic terrorism, and hopes to create ways and means of absorbing victims of such terrorism as new immigrants into Israel as a solution for Jews and Christians who will flee to Israel during these trying times.

Now that our team of lawyers has approved these principles, the second hurdle to be overcome is the registration of 100 Israeli citizens as founders of the party.

Then the third hurdle is raising the funds necessary to pay the Knesset Election Committee's fee for registering a new party. But you may now already begin to support us by mailing your checks to Advocate Calev Myers. I have pledged and remain committed to my promise that this party be submitted to the Knesset Elections Committee by December 31st, 2005.

Here's the information for contributions for the Bible Bloc Party in Israel

Please make checks out to the order of:

Advocate Calev Myers in Trust -- Mifleget GAT
Bank Hapoalim Ltd. #12
Rehavia Branch, Jerusalem
Branch #782
Account #198082
Swift Code: POALILIT

An unlimited amount of contributions can be received legally before the registration of the party (hopefully in/by June 07). After registration of the party in Israel's Knesset, it will be forbidden to receive party funding from abroad. Only contributions of up to $2,000 per year per Israeli resident/voter will be allowed.

Sincerely yours,

Dennis Avi Lipkin/alias Victor Mordecai writing to you from Jerusalem, Israel


Talks ... with Avi Lipkin, Author Other sources and views