Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Headlines to Consider

Nine US military ships enter Persian Gulf Wednesday, assembling off Iran’s coast in largest American naval move since 2003

May 23, 2007,

USS Bonhomme Richard LHD 6 Group, the world’s biggest amphibious strike force

USS Bonhomme Richard LHD 6 Group, the world’s biggest amphibious strike force

They sailed through the Strait of Hormuz by day - according to US Navy officials for training exercises. The vessels carry around 17,000 combat and marine personnel. They include the two aircraft carriers, USS Nimitz and USS Stennis, as well as the Bonhomme Richard LHD 6, the world’s biggest amphibious strike force. Iran was not notified of the planned arrival.

DEBKAfile reports the maneuvers take place less than two weeks after Vice President Dick Cheney visited the region and informed Saudi King Abdullah and fellow Gulf rulers that President George W. Bush has determined that if Iran refuses to waive a nuclear weapon capability, the US will attack its nuclear, military and economic infrastructure before he leaves the White House in Jan. 2009.


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